
Thursday, February 16, 2012

From an Angry Catholic Woman

There are basically three things that you can do to earn yourself a permanent spot on my bad side:
1.       Tell me what I can and cannot do
2.       Make a mockery of my faith
3.       Step on my God-given rights, and the rights of my fellow Americans.

Mr. President—you’re three for three.

If you have been following the birth control mandate President Obama has been shoving down our throats, you may be aware that he caught Hell from the Catholic hierarchy (pun 100% intended).  For those who haven’t been following, let me give you the down low (the low down? The down load? Whatever, I’m just trying to be hip.):
 A few weeks ago, President Freebie decided that all hospitals and clinics, including Catholic Universities and Hospitals, must provide women with “free” birth control and emergency contraception.  Apparently, it’s preposterous to suggest that women buy their own birth control—or, Heaven forbid, close their legs!  Now, if you aren’t familiar with us caRAYzeh Catholics, we have a little *thing* about artificial birth control…. Basically, it’s a no-no. In response to this bold stomp on religious freedom, the bishops promptly sent out the message that “We will not comply.” Obama quickly altered his proposal to mandate that insurance companies cover birth control, instead; a “compromise” as he calls it.
So, the burden is off the backs of Catholics, right?!

Before we all suck in for that sigh of relief, let’s all take our reality pills:


Waaaaaiiit! Wait wait wait. So, if an employee of a Catholic institution demands free birth control drugs, and that institution’s insurance carrier is legally bound to cover these drugs, doesn’t that mean the Catholic institution is essentially subsidizing them anyway?!  HAH! You sneaky, sneaky president, you!  What a load of crap.

Want to know what especially ticks me off?  I am a single Catholic woman going to school to become a nurse. I am in no position to have a baby.  My birth control is a little thing called—wait for it—SELF control!  I know, I know…it’s a new concept.  Regardless, I am STILL going to have to pay a higher premium on my health insurance because it MUST cover birth control and abortion inducing drugs. 

Furthermore, let’s broaden the scope here: Since when does the president have the right to mandate that an insurance company cover ANYthing?  Come to think of it, when does the president have the right to demand that ANY company offer ANY product or service?!  This is a disgusting overstep of boundaries, and it’s been in the process for a long time. The progressive left has been sticking their dirty little paws into every aspect of our lives, from healthcare and education on down to our diets and how we raise our kids. 

Ladies and gentlemen, whether you are Catholic or not, I hope you recognize this birth control mandate for what it is; it is no longer the left tip-toeing their boundaries—rather, it is a mad grab for our religious freedom, and a door opener for them to snatch away any other Constitutional right they so choose.

Mr. President,
You are telling me what I must buy.
You have made a complete mockery of my faith.
And you are absolutely stomping on not only my rights; not only the rights of Catholic Americans; but the rights of every patriot in this country.

I have had quite enough. Now GET OUT.